Want More Money? Stop Doing These Things

Written By Michael Carrington 

Updated on November 29, 2023

Written By Michael Carrington 

Updated on November 29, 2023

Everyone wants to make money, but not everyone wants to do the work in order to get it.

Nobody can perform the bare minimum and then become upset when they fail to realize their goals. Unrealistic financial expectations might unduly complicate a person's life.

Successful people in the financial world do not get wealthy by chance. They behave and think differently than other people. By doing this, individuals may be confident they will always succeed in life. You must stop doing 7 things if you REALLY want to start producing money.

If you are ready to learn what they are, then watch the video below, where I cover the main money beliefs that hold most people back financially.

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Everyone wants to learn easy ways to make money

I advise you to give up on your attempts to quickly learn how to make money online. This, in my opinion, is the incorrect mentality to embrace. Sadly, the get-rich-quick fantasy is not at all feasible. It seldom ever occurs, and when it does, it rarely lasts long.

Financial success is not something that can be attained easily. You must put in a lot of effort if you want to earn money the right way. Harv Eker once said, "Success is a learnable skill... If you want to be rich, you can learn how to do it."

It all boils down to how you feel about your financial situation. You will always strive to get it if you view it as the enemy. Your life will eventually be run by it. Money is only a tool in reality. Realizing this will enable you to start using money to your advantage rather than against it.

Why do you do this? Deconstructing your money beliefs is the first step. Your attitude toward money, in my opinion, will have the greatest impact on how financially successful you are in life. People are wired to avoid things that make them feel afraid. You will perceive money negatively if you have been told that it is a bad thing.

The phrase "brain junk" was created by Susan Baroncini-Moe in her book, Business In Blue Jeans: How To Have A Successful Business On Your Own Terms, In Your Own Style, to describe any mental jumble or emotional baggage that prevents you from moving forward or accomplishing your objectives.

"Brain junk" when it comes to money is all about the way you feel about your financial matters.

There is a lot of focus on the elements that contribute to success, but what about the behaviors you must abandon in order to succeed? These elements are just as important, if not more so. By earning money, you take control of your life. You must, however, be aware of the proper methods for money accumulation. Identifying your daily routine is the first step.

Let's talk about 7 things that you need to stop doing if you REALLY want to learn how to make money in life.

1. Stop Overspending

You must develop sound financial management skills before you can earn money. Setting up a budget is the ideal approach to do this. Budgeting makes a lot of people uncomfortable because it implies making sacrifices. But if you merely survive pay check to pay check, you will never be able to advance financially in life.

Nobody likes to carry a big debt load. It all boils down to knowing how to manage the money you already have wisely. Making a budget can help your money work for you rather than against you. A budget is the best resource you have for creating lasting wealth.

T. Harv Eker describes the JARS System, a highly successful money management strategy, in his book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth. According to this approach, you should allocate 55% of your income on essentials, 10% toward financial freedom, 10% toward long-term savings, 10% toward education, and 10% toward fun.

This approach has aided many people, including myself, in achieving financial plenty. Every successful person has learned the art of managing their money. Charles Jaffe once observed, "It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits." Consider this: Is it time to reduce your spending?

2. Stop Thinking Short-Term

Many people are motivated by the desire to get money quickly. Although it is enjoyable, instant gratification cannot be sustained. Thinking long term is the key to achieving long-term financial success.

Dr. Edward Banfield discovered that a particular way of thinking is the most crucial component after examining many financially successful people. Successful people in particular have a longer "time perspective." 

Successful people, in my observation, are fiercely goal-oriented. They consistently examine the long-term effects of their decisions and actively plan for the future. They will always receive consistent outcomes if they do this.

For instance, they save and invest a portion of the money they have into financial assets, such as stocks or bonds, as opposed to living in the present and spending all of their money at once. Is your money being invested?

The long term is the key! I implore you to escape the "get rich quick" quagmire that so many people fall into. No need to hurry. Take your time and relish the journey to achievement. If you have patience and put in the effort, I guarantee you'll arrive in due time.

3. Stop Living In Scarcity

It's probable that you have a scarcity mindset when it comes to money if you have debt. The thought of scarcity of money manifests as a sense of deficiency and a dread of spending or losing money. These assumptions about money serve as the foundation for this attitude toward money, which is largely unconscious.

Have you ever heard yourself say, "I don't deserve wealth" or "I'll never achieve financial freedom" in your head?

This voice wasn't ever truly yours. Usually, you get these restricting views from someone else throughout your formative years. You might have witnessed a scenario when one or both of your parents spoke about money in a particular way if you are coming from a position of shortage. It might have led you to adopt the same constricting viewpoint as they did as a result.

"Most people are deeply scripted in what I call the Scarcity Mentality," said Stephen Covey. They view life as having a finite amount of resources, as if there were only one type of pie. Additionally, if one person received a sizable portion of the pie, it would mean less for everyone else.

I urge you to adopt an abundant mindset if you wish to bring prosperity into your life. Everyone has access to enough money. You are halfway to living the life of your desires if you just have faith that you can succeed financially.

4. Stop Resisting Change

Change is not something we actively seek out because we are creatures of habit. You will fall behind if you don't accept change and adapt, though. According to Charles Kettering, "The world hates change, yet it is the only thing that has brought progress."

Successful people are aware of this and purposefully place themselves in uncomfortable circumstances. They constantly create opportunities for themselves as a result. To step outside your comfort zone, you must take a leap of faith and dive in headfirst while acknowledging the chance of failure.

For instance, if you choose to launch your own firm, you are sacrificing what you see as "secure" for the unknowable. You must take risks if you want to succeed as an entrepreneur and stay competitive in the dynamic business world. If you don't, you'll never realize your full potential in life.

You are the largest barrier to change. It's time to stop getting in your own way and stop opposing change if you have a hard time with it.

5. Stop Saying "I Know Everything"

Did you aware that your thoughts influence the world you live in? Be mindful of your language use because it contributes to your success mindset. No matter how educated or experienced you are, you cannot know everything. The majority of blunders in life are typically made by those who believe they know best.

You must use extreme caution to avoid becoming egotistical as you begin to experience success. This, in my opinion, is one of the biggest obstacles to personal growth. You prevent yourself from learning when you believe you already know everything. From this point on, everything becomes worse.

Successful people adopt a curious approach. They are aware that there are no stupid questions. Since they have an open mind, they can advance both personally and professionally. I've committed my entire life to learning new things.

You must make a commitment to developing yourself if you want to earn more money. Even though I don't have to, I have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on my education and I plan to keep doing so. You become a valuable person when you make a commitment to learning. Your life will grow more financially affluent the more value you provide to others. I am a living example of this.

6. Stop Ignoring Your Health

Today's culture of nonstop activity makes hard work the norm. People assume that there is something wrong with you if you aren't racing around and being extremely occupied.

You are supposed to overwork yourself in order to perform at your best and succeed. People are working longer and harder than ever as a result, which puts them at risk for burnout. Working hard, however, does not require you to neglect your health and general wellbeing.

Finding your personal definition of work-life balance is key. It is crucial to take care of yourself, whether through yoga, exercise, reading, or meditation, in order to efficiently manage life's stressors. Discover what suits you the most.

Since I was 19 years old, I have been observing a morning ritual every day to keep myself from ever succumbing to burnout. You feel more rooted and in charge of your life when you dedicate some time each morning to honoring yourself and engaging in activities that make you happy.

Your health is your greatest asset. You will have more energy to devote to working hard and being successful if you are proactive and consistently prioritize your health.

7. Stop Being Held Back By Failure

We learn early on that failure is a negative thing. We thus take all necessary measures to stop it from occurring. The truth is that you cannot run away from failure. Life entails it. You are not trying if you are not making mistakes.

Success never comes easy or in a straight line. Everybody who is successful has struggled. Your level of life success will depend on how you respond to disappointments and setbacks. When you fail, you have the chance to discover what didn't work effectively so that you don't repeat the same error.

Not that I think failing is enjoyable. To become the best at anything in life, though, you must do it. Because of this, the most prosperous people will tell you that their biggest setbacks ultimately led to their greatest successes.

We can't succeed by being cautious. Don't let failures in life bring you to your knees. Instead, use them to your advantage to advance.

If you REALLY want to make money then STOP doing these 7 things.

Making money is one thing, but if you want to build wealth over the long term, you must give up poor money-mindset practices. In the words of Wayne Dyer, “Abundance isn't something that we acquire. It is something we tune into.” Are you ready to start attracting financial abundance into your life?

Do you want to know how I became an Internet millionaire in just a few years? CLICK HERE to get instant access to my FREE Digital Pioneer business course!

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Michael Carrington

I am an entrepreneur, international consultant, and founder of successful business brands in the U.S. and Australia. With over 13 years of multinational business experience, I focuses my time on helping others achieve wealth and financial abundance by leveraging the power of digital entrepreneurship.

I am passionate about entrepreneurship, mentoring, and showing others how to earn a lucrative income with online and offline brand verticals.
